
General information

Registration fees

All fees will be collected in US dollars.

Accepted Authors

who wish to upload the Camera-ready version are advised to read the Camera-ready procedure carefully before proceeding with the Registration.

Important notes:

  • Refunds and invoice amendments are subject to a processing fee.
  • Student registration does not allow for camera-ready paper upload
  • You can benefit from EAI member rates by becoming a member. EAI Membership is free. Become a member. 

Purchasing this package contains:
– Participation in all technical sessions of the conference program;
– Submission of a paper to the conference proceedings (Accepted Authors only);
– All conference paper PDFs downloadable from 4 days before the conference, until 14 days after;
– After publishing, 30 days free digital access to the digital proceedings and 40% discount on hard copy of proceedings


EAI BDTA 2024 Online Registration

Early Registration Fee is available until October 1, 2024.

Register at our secure online payment site.

You can benefit from EAI member rates by becoming a member. EAI Membership is free.